May I borrow an hour of your time? Allow me to help you prep your home to sell!
A Home Staging Consultation is $250 service and includes a walk-through of your entire home starting with the exterior.
This service is intended for sellers who plan to occupy their home at the time the property is listed. To really clarify: the sellers plan to live in the home with all their furniture and personal items.
What can you expect during the consultation? I schedule myself to be available for one-hour. We will walk and talk at your own pace! I’m here to answer all your questions. But no need to take notes! (I immediately tell my sellers to put down the pen and pad of paper!) Within 24 hours, you will receive a detailed home staging report with all my recommendations, broken down by room.
I’ve attached an example report, but each report is completely customized as every seller and every home is different.
What are some topics we’ll discuss:
Listing Timeline
Storage Solutions
Simple Updates and/or Major Renovations
Unfinished DIY Projects
Paint Colors
Curb Appeal
How to Depersonalize and Appeal to the Masses
Decluttering (Pack It/Toss It/Donate it)
Use of Art/Mirrors
Window Treatments
Furniture Layout
Number of Furniture Pieces in Each Room
Defining Spaces, including Quirky, Untraditional Spaces
Reverting Spaces Back to Original, Intended Purposes
Answering Common Questions and Solving Frequent Problems for Potential Buyers (“Where will I put my couch? Where does the T.V. go? Will my queen bed fit in here?”)
Who Are the Potential Buyers? (Single Adult, Young Professionals, Starter Home, Families, Forever Home, etc.)
What Are the MOST Important Spaces to Stage?
Accessory Rentals (Occupied Homes) vs. Vacant Stages (Empty Homes)
Ready to learn more? Book your Home Staging Consultation today!
Brokers/Realtors: Home Staging Consultations is a great add-on to your list of services!
Phone: (617)-519-9133 (Call or Text)